Tour and Application Process

To begin your school search process, we invite you to first schedule a phone call with our Executive Director of our school by completing the tour form or calling the school office at (408)979-9769.  Please review the Application Process below.

Our application process assists families in making the best placement decision for their child and family.

  1.  Schedule a 30-minute phone meeting with our Executive Director.  You may do this by either filling out the tour request form found on our website or calling us at 408-979-9769.
  2. Schedule a tour.
  3. Submit all the following documents to complete your application.
    1. Admissions Application form
    2. $150.00 nonrefundable application and intake fee
    3. Current IEP (if applicable)
    4. Prior evaluations/assessments (if applicable)
    5. Behavior Support Plan (if applicable)
    6. Current progress report/work samples
    7. Exchange of Information for other professionals involved on your child’s team (if applicable)
  4. Observations and Meetings:
    1. Student visits LSA
    2. Current school observation
    3. Family interview
    4. Determination if a Level 1 or Level 2 Behavioral Therapist is required
  5. Our inter-disciplinary team and Director will review the submitted materials and mail an official letter of enrollment status decision.

Click here for a map, or visit our contact page to contact us via email.

Your Name:*
Your E-mail:*
Your Child's Name:
Child's Birth Date:*
Desired Enrollment Date: